


March 2

Met welke talenten wil je anderen van dienst zijn?

Organic architecture, ecological materials, exclusive decorations. Working with natural materials is fun, relaxing, rewarding, gives one the chance to create. Back to basic means for me back to the roots, one with the natural surrouncings. Contact me for anything related to that.

Wat is je website?

extra website

Wat betekent spiritualiteit voor jou?

Being inspired, following what is, Letting the creativity flow in any situation, circumstance. Allowing myself to be touched moved and inspired by life itself and seeing the possibilities which are always available...

Hoe is dat inzicht gegroeid en wie/wat speelde daarbij een bijzondere rol?

Being a Romanian and living abroad France, Germany, Holland for most of my life (20 years) I soon realised that life has prepared wonderful opportunities for everyone of us... The Idea is to always grab on to whatever provides joy and happiness and keep it going perfecting and learning.

Wat doe je met spiritualiteit in je werk?

I combine the creativity and inspiration with what ever is required in a certain project. The ideas and wishes of my clients are hereby very important.. Spirituality is the glue between people, the unifying factor that has no boundries. It connects the material world with our hart.

Mijn advies/quote aan anderen:

Follow the nature, her laws, her teachings and you will never fail.