Monster, Zuid Holland
September 28
Met welke talenten wil je anderen van dienst zijn?
Bridgeman Method, Mindfulness Meditation, Human Potential, Self Realization, Life Coach, Messenger, Strategist, Trainer, Spiritual Guide, Inspirator, Vipassana, Insight meditation teacher, Initiator, International connector, SiamReiki® Master, DS Reiki Master, International Public speaker, Entrepreneur, Personal coach, Awakening coach, Leadership trainer, Inspirator, Shamballah healer, International networking specialist, Yogi, Innovator Entrepreneurial Excellence,
Wat betekent spiritualiteit voor jou?
I travel the world and study with masters and teachers in monestaries and centers in countries like Nepal, India, Thailand and Vietnam to explore the boundries of human ability. I researched various modern and traditional schools in order to make their teachings available to the world so every human being can experience their benefits when it comes to happiness, meaning and passion in life.
Hoe is dat inzicht gegroeid en wie/wat speelde daarbij een bijzondere rol?
My breakthrough in 2008
Wat doe je met spiritualiteit in je werk?
The past years I developed the Bridgeman Method. A coaching method designed to discover and live your true potential. People from over 26 nationalities experienced the benefits of the method and drastically improved the quality of their lives. At this moment we are mainly active with personal coaching and seminars in Canada, Dubai, England, Holland and Vietnam. More: In Vietnam I co-founded the Mindful Leadership Institute. As a Mindfulness Meditation teacher we offer seminars and workshops to organizations teaching them the benefits of meditation. Since Google started their staff meditation program, Mindfulness has become increasingly popular in the international corporate world. More:
Mijn advies/quote aan anderen:
Het leven is een spiegel. Het geeft je niet wat je wil maar wat je bent!