August 11
Met welke talenten wil je anderen van dienst zijn?
Coachings, Channeling, Life Alchemy, Transformative writing (storytelling & poems), Coaching young 30-somethings, emerging healers and readers. Dutch & English (international)
Wat betekent spiritualiteit voor jou?
Spirituality for me is the living, dancing, creating, seeing from the heart. Looking at everything from the eyes of love, including the shadow :)
Hoe is dat inzicht gegroeid en wie/wat speelde daarbij een bijzondere rol?
I've always been highly intuitive as a child and I come from a Surinam background, so spirituality was considered part of life already. Through life I've encountered several challenges, from sickness in my family, to burning out at 21 that have led me to seek for ways to live life from trust, peace, calmth and love. Meditation and contributing to others from a loving place has helped me to do so :)
Wat doe je met spiritualiteit in je werk?
I'm a coach and I help young women to awaken their inner alchemist: When working with me they discover their transformational abilities and learn to listen to the joyfull intelligence of their soul. With my program Life Alchemy, I've created a structure to release, re-allign and reclaim. So that their soul is revealed, their heart is filled and their abundant wisdom is accessed.
Mijn advies/quote aan anderen:
People chase knowledge but rarely listen or value their own wisdom. Knowledge is futile unless you get in touch with your inner alchemist and divine genius.