Dat is er aan de hand


Meteen per 1 april voelde ik me niet goed, ietwat verloren en de praktijk op een laag pitje laat staan het inkomen. Ik raakte ook in de stress, weer eens het oude patroon. Dat heb ik hier ook laten weten. Toen kwam ik een channeling van Karen Bischop tegen, zie voorgaand blog. Op zoek gegaan naar haar website en zie daar wat ik vond:

Our New Symptoms and How We have Evolved

· Have you lost your desire to be a healer?

· Have you felt in recent months that the energy you used to embody is no longer there?

· Do you wonder what you are now supposed to connect to and wonder how to connect as well?

· Do you suddenly feel that your life is “here” and not back “home” somewhere?

· Have you given up any desires to save anyone or anything and only simply desire to stay put without extending?

· Have you given up belonging to groups and continually discussing spiritual matters?

· Have you discontinued meditating, “clearing,” and intentional actions involving creating, moving energy, or consulting divination sources?

· Have you lost the desire to bring up the energy of the planet, heal it, or the like?

· Do you no longer have the urge to make anything happen by yourself?

· Are you tired of being alone when it never bothered you before, and now crave the companionship of another or others?

· Is your own personal energy more “subtle” than it used to be?

· Do you often feel invisible when you go out in public?

· Are your needs frequently met with ease, with no real effort on your part? Or rather, are you rarely lacking anything?

· Have you begun setting strong boundaries and find that you are not as “open” to everything and everyone as you used to be?

· Have you grown to appreciate the small things and find that you are not so interested in material possessions, getting what you want, or having to have things a certain way?

· Have you come to realize that everything is not about you, that the behavior of others has nothing to do with you, and thus, you no longer take things personally?

· Do you put yourself first in regard to your health and happiness?

· Are you now comfortable refusing to participate in things that feel very “wrong” to you?

· Is it easy for you to close the door on others, knowing that you need not be “nice” and accommodating when interacting with them was not your idea in the first place?

· Do you feel a peace and tranquility that you had rarely experienced in the past, and do you now feel safe and protected?

· Are you ready to retire?

· Do you notice much more of what is around you, instead of what is going on within you?

· Do you easily and clearly see others and what they are here to contribute? Do you acknowledge them and connect to them easily when appropriate?

· Are you aware of the whole, can you interact in groups without taking over or discounting the contribution and gifts of others, and can you allow others to become involved without having a “don't tell me what to do” or controlling attitude?

· Have you come to realize than nothing needs to be “fixed” and never did? Have you dis-continued offering your services when you were not even asked (and this includes being asked by nature and the planet herself as well)?

· Do you find the answers within yourself now, rarely consulting any outside sources?

· Do you know that you are not perfect and never will be?

· Do you possess a great gift or ability, are frequently told about this by others, but have no idea what they are talking about?

· Are you comfortable watching another suffer, knowing that this is their path and that it has a higher purpose?

· Are you able to make decisions from your gut, your intuition, or rather what simply “feels” right without any rational explanation?

· Do you know what is yours to do, and realize that much everything else is someone else's passion or purpose, there-by staying in your own role and not taking over someone else's?

· Have you found that you spend more of your time and focus simply on one of your passions or talents, and not on a variety of interests as you may have done in the past?

If you can relate any of the above, you are most certainly on your way to becoming an Earth Angel. But know as well, that these transitions come to us step by step. This is what evolution is all about. So then, you may be experiencing some of the above, but not all. In time, you will eventually experience most all of the above, and then find that you need to “wait” for others to catch up, as we are all part of one beloved whole. In addition, we will begin having exciting and new experiences as well!


Er is dus eigenlijk weer eens niks aan de hand behalve dat ik op weg ben naar het nieuwe zoals ik bij blog Sneeuwwitje al had vermoed.

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  • ja sinds jou opmerking over de wurggreep viel het kwartje al Ruud waarvoor nogmaals dank. daarna kwam ik automatisch die site tegen met die heerlijke symptomen.
  • Wait for the flow, Gertrud ;-)
    Kan heel frusterend zijn weet ik uit eigen ervaring.
    groetjes ruud
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