![seal seal](http://hemelwandelaar.wordpress.com/files/2009/03/seal-copy-copy.jpg)
I am proud of having my own education!
That means I do not have the conventional certifications of knowledge. They are not important. It's what's being brought through that's important.
In my work this implies the "channeling" of pure intuitive knowledge and energy. Information, insight, knowledge and experience are present and available to myself and others. It is the way of looking within and being guided. The gifts of my soul available to me for the good of others.
It is serious work and I am thankful to be given the ability of healing. No blue dress involved and....
Peter de Kock heeft de boodschap gretig opgepakt en stuurde mij een link:
http://zenhabits.net/2009/03/land-your-dream-job-ditch-school-and-get-a-library-card/Nuttige tips voor de zelf lerende mens die van zijn droom zijn baan wil maken.