De kristalceremonie op 16 juni is nu gratis te zien op hoge kwaliteit film! 16 juni was een universele avond van liefde, compassie en saamhorigheid waarin 1400 mensen in de kerk en 17.800 mensen wereldwijd meededen aan de prayers voor onze aarde!
De energie van deze avond was voor iedereen om nooit te vergeten.
De intentie is om wereldwijd een campagne te houden en deze film aan zoveel mogelijk mensen bekend te maken. Vertel zoveel mogelijk mensen over deze avond en film en vraag hen de prayers mee te doen wanneer ze deze film bekijken. Hiermee vergroten wij het veld van Liefde voor onze planeet en natuur wat zo ontzettend hard nodig is! Nooit eerder was de noodzaak zo hoog voor onze aarde te bidden en te danken. Dit is de tijd dat we met elkaar op moeten gaan staan voor andere leefsystemen die het behoud van de aarde voorop gaan stellen!
Plaats dit bericht op Facebook, Twitter en mail anderen! 12-12-12 eindigen we dit proces. We zullen hier een live bijeenkomst voor organiseren! Plaats jouw prayer, jouw wens voor de aarde, op ons prikbord onder dit event.
De foto's van de ceremonie staan op de website.
Een brief van Kiesha aan ons allen:
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Beautiful Tribe of Many Colors,
I am still in awe of the beauty and sacredness of the event that took place in Rotterdam June 16. To see a sea of open hearts and smiles, gathered together to pray for the healing of our Mother Earth and humanity is truly something that i will never forget. On this magnificent day over 1300 people gathered together in the church to pray and over 17,000 logged in to view it live. Although we do not know how many people viewed the live stream in each home it could well be over 100,000 praying for Mother at once. This marks this gathering as the largest spiritual gathering and prayer for love and healing ever to be accomplished.
My heart is so full of joy and gratitude for each and every one of you who helped take part in this healing and prayer. This is proof of our dedication, of our hearts breaking open and our courage to be the strongest of the strong, to be the ones we have been waiting for, to be the tribe of many colors, those who chose to come to this planet and change it for the better. We are indeed stepping into a new era on planet earth, a time when we will set the ego aside and begin living from our hearts. What a great example to the world you have been in beautiful Holland. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing with me this timeless and epic day of love. May we each carry with us the love that was born in our hearts this day and walk in the peace and harmony that was created.
The crystal was taken to the most beautiful land and placed within the earth with great humility, grace and love. I will soon be writing about this experience so that I can share it in detail with all of you, as this is your crystal with your prayers. As I am still on the road, I will soon be writing it all out for each and every one of you so that you can share in the experience of giving this crystal back to Mother Earth.
I look forward to connecting with you all again very soon. You can sign up for my newsletter.
Until we connect again I send you all of my love and gratitude, be well my wonderful brothers and sisters, and as always remember who you are as great sparks of God, you are the Great I Am. Remember YOU can change the world by BEING love.
Love to you always, Little Grandmother