As a bold case of not being able to not do it, I gave in to a long time seduction, consisting of a trinity of sorts.
- end our addiction to fossils, in fuels and oppressive structures alike
- allow all earthlings to prosper, starting with the ability to generate one's own -free- energy
- make the case for universal consciousness & all of us as co creators of life
A brief description of the flow so far:
Some months ago there were two professors who gave demonstrations of machines at their universities that turned out some hundreds of watts of rotating energy (link).
I emailed them and asked for details. Which they promply provided.
Then watched all sorts of video's on Youtube on the subject. These gave me confidence that persuing the cause of allowing zero point field energy devices to be offered in the market place was feasable. On terms of open source & at competive prices
I realized I had to attract serious funding in order to create an incubator for these technologies.
After our national sustainability icon recognized it as a worthy cause, I got even more confident.
Now I'm running around finding inroads with people with access to people that can move the trinity forward.
So far, all are sympathetic and cooporate to their ability.
The vision: a skunk works + cluster style venue, where all inventors of our planet are facilitated to bring their zero point field energy invention to maturity by rapid prototyping, industrialization, commercialization. With free room, board, travel and access to decision makers relevant to the trinity
'Facilitation' means that the usual reasons for failure, such as funding, short term economic demands, fear, greed, ego, being underskilled regarding technical and entrepreneurial demands, are addressed. Which is entirely feasable, as I and all I've spoken with so far, agree upon.
What's needed is our collective visionary qualities and the clout to manifest them.
This is also my invitation to the reader: if you feel inspired, please share your ideas.
Beginning September there's a meeting in Bregenz (Austria) on the subject, with demonstrations and DIY-sessions. For those interested: perhaps we could coordinate our attendance.
Adding to the picture is the 400 and 200 th anniversery of respectively Utrecht U & Harvard.
How fitting it would be when, say, 50 students of each U would do the global scouting amongst the inventors / pioneers and showcase a new generation in academia.
A generation with an open eye for the interconnectedness of all life (and thus faculties) and a unified field.
They could be ambassadors amongst their peers and beyond for a second Western renaissance.
The venue for where the stakeholders will first meet? TransitionTravels' Funkwagen, probably.