




June 25

Met welke talenten wil je anderen van dienst zijn?

This september I'll start a 4 year program at Barbara Brennan School of Healing Europe. I am an emotional healer and will be developing my skills during these years.

Wat is je website?

Wat betekent spiritualiteit voor jou?

It is not only a part of my life, because of looking at things holographicly, it totaly changes the way you look at life.

Hoe is dat inzicht gegroeid en wie/wat speelde daarbij een bijzondere rol?


Wat doe je met spiritualiteit in je werk?

I am looking for people to work with and like to receive a healing by me. For more information you can send me and email at or call me at 0618519155

Mijn advies/quote aan anderen:

Give love to yourself, and try to spread it into the world

Equiline van Dooren left a comment for Equiline van Dooren
"Hi Pieter!
Thank you for your mail and yes, I do give healings in Amsterdam. I have been developing myself for the last 3 years and it is amazing to be able to energetically help people who are crossing my path and ask for it.
As I am starting…"
Sep 12, 2011