




September 15

Met welke talenten wil je anderen van dienst zijn?

With what talents do you want to serve others? I'm a Wizard + Master Healer + Creator. I dissolve illusions for health to emerge and show people how to be themselves.

Wat is je website?

extra website

Wat betekent spiritualiteit voor jou?

What does spirituality mean to you? * How an individual lives their soul.

Hoe is dat inzicht gegroeid en wie/wat speelde daarbij een bijzondere rol?

How did that insight develop and who/what played a special role in this? * Natural born healer and wizard to a mother that taught me to feel my feelings, discern vibes and to question everything critically and objectively.

Wat doe je met spiritualiteit in je werk?

What do you do with spirituality in your work? * Bring awareness to how the soul is expressing itself through human experience.

Mijn advies/quote aan anderen:

My advice/quote to others: * Have the courage to change and to question, to love and explore. Have the movement to include yourself in your life and do your best not to make assumptions or gossip. Both can cause so much damage.

Tuaca Kelly posted a status
Welcoming beautiful humans to my practice near Westerpark in Amsterdam.
Apr 28, 2023
Tuaca Kelly is now a member of Spiritueel Ondernemers Netwerk
Apr 28, 2023