Do you know what Grace is?
“I don’t know”
Try this:
"always expect that Grace in deliverance knocks on your door.
So be prepared to receive Her in every moment.
Unlock your doors, keep your house clean.
In fact this intention is an invitation to Her Presence, an attraction to Her attention.
That’s how Grace moves in. Not by pulling or pushing Her or by willing and wanting.
Just stay in Her Presence when She arrives.
Notice Her moves and keep eye contact wherever She goes.
Look Her in Her eyes, don't be afraid if She does'nt smile all the time.
Watch Her steps and take Her actions by surprise.
Don't miss any opportunity to express your Love to Her
Even when you think that She does not pay attention to you.
Than sometimes at an unexpected moment She’ll pour Her loving attention into you.
This delight full fill will make you realize that you are no different from Grace.
You are Her sister and brother, you are Her family in Love.
You are the same Grace to the Worlds.
You are Grace! you'll see!"